Tuesday 21 December 2010

TDA trial dates confirmed!

The TDA are pleased to announce the dates and venue of the spring 2011 trials for the Elite Development Programme .  They will be held at Nottingham Trent University's Clifton Campus.  The TDA are extremely excited to be able to offer this facility which is also a host training venue for the 2012 London Olympic Games. 

The trail dates are as follows:
  • U11 TRIAL - Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th March 2011
  • U12 TRIAL - Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th March 2011
  • U13 TRIAL - Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th March 2011 
The TDA will be recruiting players from January onwards.  For more information please contact us through our website www.tdacoaching.co.uk  

"Love the game beyond the prize"

Tuesday 14 December 2010

La Masia.....A Catalan Education

"The player who has passed through La Masia has something different to the rest, it's a plus that only comes from having competed in a Barcelona shirt from the time you were a child."
Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola

La Masia, located next to the Camp Nou, is the heart of the Barcelona youth system.  This residential training facility is used to develop the young players that have had to leave their families in order to train at FC Barcelona both in a sporting and intellectual sense.  

La Masia is not just a youth training academy that we find here in the UK.  It is a philosophy, a belief, and a way of thinking for the whole club.    

Barcelona believe football should be dedicated to free-flowing attacking play - the kind of 'Total Football' that Cruyff and his Dutch colleagues produced in the 1970s to worldwide acclaim.  This philosophy became a fixture when Cruyff returned to Catalonia in the 1980’s as manager and now, thanks to Cruyff's continued involvement in the club, is deeply entrenched. 

Arguably their two most influential players; Xavi and Iniesta have been at Barcelona since they were 11 and 12 respectively and that message has been drummed into them since the day they arrived.  It is a message based around ball retention, superior technique, lightning-quick passing and the ability to utilise wide open spaces on the pitch.

It is a coaching system that has helped produce what many La Liga experts are calling the greatest Spanish team since the Real Madrid of the 1950s, and it is not by chance that this has come about.

"It's just different at Barca. The kids are taught from such a young age about how the ball should move, how to protect the ball at all times, how to never give it away.  "At Barcelona the physical aspect has never been the most important thing, the emphasis is always on technique - that's why every footballer wants to play for this team”


Barcelona’s recent and continued success is a product of this philosophy to pass teams into submission without ever even contemplating falling back on a Plan B - take the Champions League semi-finals, for instance.   Over two legs against Chelsea, Barcelona attempted a mind-blowing 1,359 passes, with 82.1% of them finding their intended target. Their opponents, in the same 180 minutes, attempted 687 passes, with a success rate of 59.5%.

Former technical director, Pep Segura, attributes the club's success to its "philosophy of play": "It is about creating one philosophy, one mentality, from the bottom of the club to the top". The philosophy consists of the application of total football mixed with traditional Spanish one-touch play (tiqui-taka).

In 2010, la Masia achieved a record breaking honor becoming the first youth academy to have all three finalists for the Ballon d'Or in one same year, with Andres Iniesta, Lionel Messi and Xavi Hernandez

On 11 July 2010, Spain won the World Cup final with eight players from Barcelona; seven were from La Masia, and six of them were in the starting line-up: Gerard Piqué, Carlos Puyol, Andrés Iniesta, Xavi Hernández, Sergio Busquets and Pedro Rodríguez. This set a record for the most players to be provided by a club side for a team in a World Cup final.  A recent report suggested that Spain's World Cup success was possibly due to La Masia??

Compare this with our National team where the majority of players come from the traditional big four teams (Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool).  This season 70% of La Liga players are eligible to play for Spain, where as in the Premier League only 45% of players are eligible to play for England.  This stat would suggest that having the best domestic football league in the world, is at the detriment to the National Team.

In this country can we ever replicate the La Masia model? As a demanding nation, and in a world of foreign club owners becoming increasingly involved in the game looking to buy quick success, do we have, or are we allowed the patience to build a club philosophy?   

....Or are we, as a nation, doomed to be a product of our own Premier League environment??? 

Tuesday 30 November 2010

A few little stats from last nights El Clasico.........

For those of you who watched it, I am sure you will agree, last night Barcelona well and truly taught Real Madrid a footballing lesson. Their technical ability is in a league of its own and Real just couldn't keep up with the pace and fluidity of which Barca kept the ball. A true joy to watch and an incredible lesson in how the game should be played. Here are a few little stats............





Attempted passes - 684. 

Completed passes - 608.

Pass completion - 89%. 

Of the 608 successful passes, 110 came from Xavi. 



Pep Guardiola becomes the first Barca manager to win his first 5 El Clasicos and never drop a single point to Los Blancos, 5 straight wins since 2008.  







Messi still hasn't scored against a team managed by Mourinho.

Ronaldo still hasnt scored against Barca.



View the match highlights at the link below



Monday 29 November 2010

TDA Goalkeeping - Joe Hart Vs Ben Foster........

Going in to England’s first game of World Cup 2010, the one thing that had everyone speculating was; who will Capello pick to start in goal? Green, James or Hart? We have all seen mistakes from Green and James in the past, but would Fabio really put his trust in a young keeper still learning his trade on loan at Birmingham from Manchester City? We all know the answer to that.....................

Since the World Cup in South Africa last summer, Manchester City’s Joe Hart, 23, not only displaced the incredible Shay Given as Eastlands 1st choice goalkeeper, but has also made the England No.1 Jersey his own. There is no doubt his ability and his current form makes him the rightful owner of that England shirt, but he now faces a very real challenge from a goalkeeper who is firing on all cylinders. A goalkeeper dismissed from Capello’s 23 man squad in the summer and a goalkeeper that many thought had been given his chance at a big club and blew it.  Although it may have taken a lot longer than some Manchester United fans would have liked, Ben Foster is now hitting the kind of form that had everyone in hype from the day he joined the Red Devils. 

After his stuttering last few seasons in the red half of Manchester, Foster, 27, found it hard to get a good run in a side where competition for the number 1 spot was fierce. Apart from his heroics in the League Cup Final versus Spurs, you can struggle to pin point games in which it was believable that this guy could be England’s next Shilton, and boss Ferguson finally sold him in the summer to Birmingham City for £6m.
Since Foster’s arrival in Birmingham his performances have been inspiring and now we are beginning to see the kind of form that can genuinely propel the stopper all the way to the top, where coaches, scouts and even Sir Alex himself had predicted he would be. 

It can be said that England now have exactly the same beautiful dilemma as the one that faced them back in the 70’s and 80’s. Peter Shilton and Ray Clemence battled it out for two decades to be the best goalkeeper in the country! Shilton winning out with 125 caps to Clemence’s 61. 

It can only be a good thing for England that, (providing they each continue their incredible form), both Hart and Foster will be battling it out to be the country’s number 1 for the foreseeable future.


Friday 26 November 2010

An insight into the TDA philosophy...

At the TDA we believe in teaching and developing technical execution in a vareity  of positions.

Each position has a series of specific attributes that are essential for players to possess in order for them to be effective in that position.  For example a wide player must be able to beat an opponent in a 1v1 situation.

We cannot leave it to chance that players will develop these specific skills through generic sessions we must, therefore, allocate specific time to developing these position specific skills.

Players from the age of 12 onwards should be learning a position; at 12 a player may play in a variety of roles within a unit however by the ages of 15 and 16 players should be working toward being an expert in a specific role.

Pareto’s Principle (80:20 Rule)

Pareto’s principle was developed by an Italian economist who observed that:

80% of effects come from 20% of causes

For example, in business, often 80% of sales come from 20% of clients.  80% of farmers profit often comes from 20% of their crops.

How does this relate to developing footballers?  Well, rather than teaching a centre back all, 100%, of the techniques required for an outfield player (including dribbling, shooting, crossing etc) and expecting vast improvement we are best teaching them the 20% of techniques, the ones that are specific to their position (e.g. heading, blocking, 1v1 defending).  We can expect 80% better results this way.

Therefore we must:

  • Dedicate time to position specific sessions (mixed age groups)
  • Highlight demands from specific positions when coaching a generic session
  • Allow players to observe examples of good practice in their position (video, role models etc)
  • Give position specific feedback to individuals

Players will adopt a position based on their natural abilities and physical attributes.  At the TDA we will work towards developing player’s strengths, while ensuring weaknesses are improved.

Sunday 14 November 2010

TDA Goalkeeper coach in fine form once again....

Our very own Alessandro Barcherini kept a clean sheet this weekend as his Belper Team ran out 5-0 winners against Spalding United FC!

Coming soon....

The TDA will be launching soon!!!Keep checking back for more news!