Tuesday 21 December 2010

TDA trial dates confirmed!

The TDA are pleased to announce the dates and venue of the spring 2011 trials for the Elite Development Programme .  They will be held at Nottingham Trent University's Clifton Campus.  The TDA are extremely excited to be able to offer this facility which is also a host training venue for the 2012 London Olympic Games. 

The trail dates are as follows:
  • U11 TRIAL - Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th March 2011
  • U12 TRIAL - Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th March 2011
  • U13 TRIAL - Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th March 2011 
The TDA will be recruiting players from January onwards.  For more information please contact us through our website www.tdacoaching.co.uk  

"Love the game beyond the prize"

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