Monday 11 July 2011

An introduction to Strength & Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning is the physiological development of athletes for sport performance. The role of the S&C coach is to bridge the gap between the theory of training and applied training, helping athletes to refine their attributes so they perform better and remain injury free.

Strength & Conditioning is not just lifting weights - it encompasses the entire development of the athlete and what is needed to improve physical performance. 
This includes all corrective, core stability, balance, Plyometric, strength, speed and agility, and endurance training
We can also access pre-habilitation programmes to ensure optimum preparation prior to training or match-day to ensure optimum performance. 

Here at the TDA we have access to several Strength and Conditioning coaches who work alongside our technical coaches to assist them in designing specific programmes that will address the particular need of the athlete. They design and implement individual programmes, coaching correct exercise techniques, administrating performance testing, conducting functional screens and always ensure athletes are training safely and effectively
There are many ways that a well constructed programme can be of benefit - a systematic, progressive periodised programme will target both strengths and weaknesses and will help maximise performance gains.
For more information or to see how Strength & Conditioning can work for you and your team get in touch!!

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